

福州新航道 > 雅思 > 描述一个重要的节日


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2020-08-03 14:30


  大家好,今天我们将讲解一个全新的话题,也是近期相对比较高频的一个抽象类话题,Describe a festival that is important,描述一个重要的节日。这个话题在所有抽象类话题里面算是难度中等的一个话题。还有另外一个话题跟这个很类似,描述一个你们国家的很重要的节日。这两个话题我们可以串联起来讲解。









  首先,我们先按照时间顺序从国内的节日说起,我会先帮大家罗列出来一些比较具有中国特色节日以及他们的英文说法:春节(the Spring Festival),元宵节(Lantern Festival),清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day),端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),七夕(Chinese Valentine’s Day),中秋节(Mid-autumn Day),重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)等。

  其实国外的节日,比较常见的例如元旦(New Year),情人节(Valentine’s Day),万圣节(Halloween),复活节(Easter),圣诞节(Christmas Day),感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)等,这些节日大家都已经耳熟能详了。我们除了介绍这些节日之外,还有很多其他很好的西方节日素材。

  除了这些比较耳熟能详的西方节日之外,我们也可以讲一些比较小众的节日。例如在西班牙的圣费尔明节(San Fermin),又名奔牛节。是属于西班牙纳瓦拉自治区首府潘普洛纳市的一项传统庆祝活动,因为奔牛活动而闻名于世。再比如印度的洒红节,也叫“胡里节”,是印度传统节日,也是印度传统新年。节日期间,人们互相抛洒用花朵制成的红粉,迎接春天的到来。



  Describe a festival that is important.

  You should say:When the festival occursWhat you did during itWhat you like or dislike about itAnd explain why this festival is so important

  The biggest festival of all in my country is Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival. We Chinese have celebrated it for thousands of years already. It comes between January and February every year, but the exact date is different year to year since we use lunar calendar. Anyway, when it finally arrives, people all over the country take 7 days off. On the eve of the Spring festival, a big family reunion is held at the dinner table. We talk, we propose toast to each other, and we bond with members of our family. I don’t know when it started, but it seems to many Chinese that watchingSpring Festival Variety Show on China Central Television has become an  ceremonial thing to do every year at Spring Festival.

  The show starts at 8 sharp and  last past midnight. And as the midnight count-down is completed, we exchange new year greetings and young kids receive new year allowance. Many people will go outside and fire up firecrackers and fireworks. The whole sky is lighted up with  magnificent colors. For the midnight dinner, we eat dumplings and fish. And this is important, fish is a dish we must have, because in Chinese “fish” has the same sound as something left, something more, something extra. So by eating fish, we’re hoping that every year, we’ll make our life better. The reason I like it so much is because in a way, Spring Festival provides an opportunity for us Chinese to remember our cultural origin, a chance to relax and restore our inner balance between work and leisure, and a great time of fun at the end and beginning of the new year.  
